You may have noticed that I've been posting quite frequently this month and last. Well, I've been having issues pushing out new tracks, so I've turned to remastering a whole bunch of oldies! Yup.
Due to the majority of my old songs already being on Newgrounds, I feel sort of obligated to upload the updated version. It's just sort of...I feel bad for abandoning you guys okay?
But I will be posting less and less as time goes on and I begin writing more original mixes and remixes as Dylnmatrix and Equilibria. I might even start doing acoustic stuff if I can figure out how to write lyrics or get a particular vocalist that is close to me.
Though I do lurk Newgrounds everyday and stalk the people that need to be stalked.
Anyways, I've got a speech and a remix to write so see ya!
PS: In case you didn't know, I've released an EP! Sort of. I guess. I dunno. I say it's an EP. It may not relate to anybody on here but I think I got a few fans from my Crysong (totally going to call the fansongs that now) uploads. It includes remastered versions of my most popular tracks and Time Shift! It's $1, but you get 3 songs for the price of one, as Cry Plays: The Music and CryPlayFan are free standalone titles.
Alright I've advertised and rambled enough methinks. Bye!