I'm an amateur Instrumental EDM composer from Minnesota, and my genre is mainly Trance. I use FL Studio, play acoustic guitar and electric bass, and I sing as well. I'm the other half of the group Equilibria.

Matt @Dylnmatrix

Age 30


Joined on 6/15/10

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Dylnmatrix's News

Posted by Dylnmatrix - April 12th, 2014

Finished a new track last night. I've started to go more experimental while staying within the outer realms of my "style". Stuck to my trance roots, but branched into some house and then some breakbeat fun stuff. I don't even know what genre to classify it as. I'm actually really proud of my work here, and due to it being experimental, I'm making it a free release.

Who here on NG would like me to upload it here as well as SC and Bandcamp?

Posted by Dylnmatrix - March 30th, 2014

Equilibria's remix of Far Too Loud's original, Acid 9000, from his Doomsday Machine release is here!

We may have missed the deadline to submit to the Beatport contest, but we don't care. We didn't want to rush this beast of a track.

Listen to the remix here!

It is going to be a free download, but we have to wait until the contest is over on April 8th in order to open downloads.


Posted by Dylnmatrix - March 13th, 2014

Hey guys, yet another update. Remix is going well aside from some troubles making/choosing a lead in the final break. We got a LOT done last night and we've only got a little bit left to go until it's time for final mixdown and such. Will be posting the link here when it's uploaded.

In other news, I have another remaster! Though this time it's more a "finish an old track and call it done" remaster, like Time Shift was. This track is actually the track I'm most proud of, out of everything I've done, but it's the most unnoticed track of them all, which makes me a little disappointed. Even if I'm not surprised by it, I would still have liked this to get more attention than it did. I was actually thinking of reuploading it in order to get it noticed, but decided against it.

No Chance of Survival

Meant to symbolize a huge fight or war going on and you're running on fumes. It's time to make your last stand even if there's no chance of survival. Was inspired by watching my favorite youtubers play Left 4 Dead 2 on a stream.

I'd also like to mention, I got a new beast of a laptop. I mean it's not top of the line, but it's leagues better than my old HP Pavilion was. Intel i7 quad-core with 16 gigs of ram and 1TB HD. I can now run FL, Firefox, Steam and Skype, on battery, without any computer glitches. My Pavilion would explode if I did that. The keyboard also lights up which I'm finding extremely cool and helpful.

Posted by Dylnmatrix - March 12th, 2014

I may have said that I'm not going to be posting new originals/remixes on here, but I will make news posts about them.

Hey guys! So me and Ionic Force are hard at work again with a remix that was originally for a Beatport contest but the deadline was March 11, 2014 at 12:59AM for us, but that's long gone as you can see. Do we care? Eh, not really. We weren't in it for the prizes. We just wanted something to get us out of our creative rut.


This is a preview of what we've got so far. I cut out the intro and the first complextro drop. The drop you hear here is just so we had something reminiscent of the original. The original didn't really have much of a melody, just that bass riff was it. There wasn't a chord progression, so it was just G# all the time. So I got to put my harmonizing skills to the test and pulled that gritty arp melody out of my ass. Then after Ionic Force made the pad and other arp, I ended up making that piano break. This track wasn't a particular favorite of mine by FTL, but I'm really enjoying making this remix.

Here's the original by Far Too Loud if you wanted to compare or something like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ONv5fT4Yrc

Posted by Dylnmatrix - February 28th, 2014


You may have noticed that I've been posting quite frequently this month and last. Well, I've been having issues pushing out new tracks, so I've turned to remastering a whole bunch of oldies! Yup.

Due to the majority of my old songs already being on Newgrounds, I feel sort of obligated to upload the updated version. It's just sort of...I feel bad for abandoning you guys okay?

But I will be posting less and less as time goes on and I begin writing more original mixes and remixes as Dylnmatrix and Equilibria. I might even start doing acoustic stuff if I can figure out how to write lyrics or get a particular vocalist that is close to me.

Though I do lurk Newgrounds everyday and stalk the people that need to be stalked.

Anyways, I've got a speech and a remix to write so see ya!

PS: In case you didn't know, I've released an EP! Sort of. I guess. I dunno. I say it's an EP. It may not relate to anybody on here but I think I got a few fans from my Crysong (totally going to call the fansongs that now) uploads. It includes remastered versions of my most popular tracks and Time Shift! It's $1, but you get 3 songs for the price of one, as Cry Plays: The Music and CryPlayFan are free standalone titles.

Alright I've advertised and rambled enough methinks. Bye!

Posted by Dylnmatrix - January 3rd, 2014

But I think it's time for me to move on to bigger and better things. I'll still post here from time to time, but I'm going to be focusing on making releases elsewhere without the CC license holding my music back.

If you want to hear what I've been up to since I last updated, go here, here and here. First one is that I updated Bound By Fate with a better piano and vocals by the lovely ZomzArtisticz. Second one is Double-Edge, another collab between me and Ionic Force, also the birth of Equilibria, that took up to 90 hours to finish the whole thing in the end. Last one is my finish of Time Shift with voice samples of Cryaotic and his friends from Youtube/Twitch.

I'll also upload something I doodled last night in FL. Sort of as a showcase to how my style is evolving.

Thanks to all that have helped me improve over the years, names worth noting being TheDoor6, Jay, SoulofT, Step, and anybody else who's given constructive criticism to my tracks. You all are amazing.

Take care,


Posted by Dylnmatrix - July 9th, 2013

The collab has been finished and is now uploaded to both me and Karl's Soundclouds and my Bandcamp! I will upload to Newgrounds eventually, I just need a better internet connection to fix the other mp3 I uploaded (clipped like hell). Stay tuned for that.

Here's the description of the song if you guys want it here:
"Entropy (n) - Lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder
A thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.

40+ hours in the making. A mix of Complextro and Trance. 31 patterns, 25 automation clips, and CPU usage off the charts. I give you guys Entropy, my massive collab with my good friend Karl, aka Ionic Force.

This is the first collab that I've ever finished, and this was the most extensive collab that Karl has ever done. And we're both very proud of it.

We hope you guys enjoy"

Song on my Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dylnmatrix/entropy-origin al-mix
Song on Karl's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/ionicforce/ionic-force-dy lnmatrix-entropy
Song with free download on my Bandcamp: http://dylnmatrix.bandcamp.com/track/entropy-ori ginal-mix

Karl Shultz aka Ionic Force:

You guys know where you can find me ;)
(If you send me a friend request on Facebook, make sure you let me know who you are! I'm picky with who's friend requests I accept!)

It's done!

Posted by Dylnmatrix - July 6th, 2013

So it's 3 am and I have be to work at 9, and here I am, on Newgrounds, updating you guys. Ended up working on the collab all night and now I've sent it over to Karl to put the last drop and then we'll put the outro in, and then start putting the finishing touches onto the track. It's going to be a longer track, as per usual when it comes to me.

Also, I'm open to adding people on Facebook now, since I'm getting back into using it frequently for updates about work and talking with Karl. If you have a Facebook and want to add me, go ahead and send me a friend request and let me know who you are somehow (comments, PM, in the friend request (if you can still do that)) so I don't end up ignoring your friend request.

I want to sleep some more, as I took a 3 hour nap after work yesterday and then woke up at 11, but I can't go back to sleep because I know I'll end up sleeping past my alarms. Today's going to be interesting.

My Facebook

Posted by Dylnmatrix - June 25th, 2013

Me and my friend Karl (IonicForce) are in the process of making an epic Complextro and Trance mixture of epicness. Dunno when it'll be done, but me and him just finished working on it for 4 hours, and it's been in the works for a month now. But it will definitely be on Bandcamp when it's done, and you guys will get so many links. Too many. Maybe not. I don't know. I'm tired. I'm going to stop typing now.

Sneak, Sneaky, Sneak peek~

Still on a summer hiatus too, in case you already didn't know. Here's the news post explaining it.

Posted by Dylnmatrix - May 4th, 2013

Just thought I'd let you guys know that there's a small chance that you won't be hearing much from me starting May 11-August 25.

I recently got a job at Valleyfair, and I'm going to be working a lot of hours (11-14 hours a day, 60-ish hours for up to 6 days a week) so I'm not going to get much time for my music or Newgrounds. I'll still work on my tracks on my days off, but chances of me finishing a song and staying active are going to be slim.

So if I get any reviews, comments or PMs, just know that the chances of me giving a speedy response as usual are pretty low. I'll try to respond to everything on my days off, but I might not, as I have other sites to tend to as well as this one, and this one does tend to be on the middle or lower end of the priority chart.